Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Trace The History Of Counseling Profession - 2081 Words
1. Trace the history of counseling profession in India? Introduction The concept of counseling is not of a recent one. That said, it must be noted that the accepted system and structures within it have digressed, though marginally, from traditional dialecticism between the people in the society. Guidance and Counseling is a persistent phenomenon present in every cultural and social setting; we seek counseling from elders, parents, teachers and other members in the family or the community. The significance of it is clearly understood in terms of its indispensability towards the growth and transitions of every individual for their wellbeing. The precept of counseling and guidance itself is also rooted very deeply in the doctrines of every religion. Thus in the same way, the conduct and the belief system of every person is directly or indirectly directed by our faith and conviction towards religion. Scholars have propounded many definitions to the understanding of the term counseling or guidance, some of which are as given below. Definition The term guidance and counseling have been loosely or interchangeably used. According to, Proctor. â€Å"Guidance is a process through which an individual or group of individual are helped to make necessary adjustment to the environment-inside or outside the school.†Kitson. â€Å"Guidance is individualized education.’ Each student is to be helped to develop himself to the maximum possible degree in all respect.†K.G.Rama Rao. â€Å"Guidance isShow MoreRelatedPublic Service Is A High Calling1740 Words  | 7 PagesPublic service is a high calling. A calling that certain individuals who are compassionate and enthusiastic about serving their communities at large are willing to dedicate their profession and skills to. 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